Virtual Kitchen Lab
Here you will get updates about our Virtual kitchen lab and blogs related to the talks.
Episode2 : Interview with Gonzalo Para
Gonzalo started his career in bioinformatics from the University of Entre Rios in Argentina and later joined as a PhD student in Prof. Diego Ferreiro’s lab in Buenos Aires University where he did some exciting work in protein physiology. Post-PhD he was a EMBO Long Term Postdoctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen in the group of Johannes Soeding. Currently he is working at EMBL Heidelberg, Germany, where he is working with Dr. Oliver Stegle. His research interests are mainly focused on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. Gonzalo is the vice-president of ISCB student council.

Episode3 : Interview with Benjamin Martin
Benjamin Martin is currently a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School. He has represented Canadian hockey team for Olympics, 2016, during his graduate program from University of British Columbia. He is also a Haiku Poet. We hope you enjoy this candid interview of Ben through his exciting journey from representing his country in Olympics to pursuing research at Harvard Medical School!

Episode4 : Interview with Joaquín Navajas Acedo
Joaquín Navajas Acedo is currently pursuing his post doc in Dr. Alender F Schier’s lab in Biozentrum, University of Basel, Switzerland. He is really passionate about answering questions on developmental biology. Although a scientist his work depicts an artistic prowess. His magnificent microscopy images have made to the cover of several popular science magazines. He is super enthusiastic about the science he does and participates actively in scientific outreach through social media platforms.

Episode5 : Interview with Alexandra
Alexandra Elbakyan, founder of "Scihub" joined us for an exclusive interview where we are discussing about her life and motivation to start and run SciHub. Alexandra wanted to pursue her PhD on the early stage of her carrier and then SciHub happened which not only changed her life but impacted people in science around the globe. Alexandra is interested in working towards how communication between neurons goes so that it flourishes into subjective experience and how to connect different neural networks for immediate information transfer.

Episode5 : Interview with Isobel R
Currently a co-investigator on a research project at The University of Sydney (Australia) investigating a major tick-borne disease of livestock . Isobel R's research interests are in ticks and tick-borne diseases of medical and veterinary importance. She was awarded a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at Columbia University where she led projects on the genetics and behavior of two key tick species associated with tick-borne diseases in the United States. She was also a visiting postdoctoral research fellow in the laboratory group that has developed genome editing for ticks at the University of Nevada, Reno. Dr Ronai completed her award-winning Ph.D. in genetics and entomology at The University of Sydney (Australia). Her Ph.D. research was recognized with multiple research awards.

Episode5 : Interview with Ipsa Jain
Ipsa is a science communicator. She use's visuals to start conversations about science. She wants to create joyous and beautiful things that speak science. Robert Krulwich once said in a conversation that science, if shared joyously, will be heard. Ipsawonders is my attempt at it.After pursuing her Ph.D. at IISc, she forayed to science communication using visual medium. Until 2019, she worked as a post-doctoral fellow at InStem. Apart from exploring visuals as a vehicle for science storytelling, She also explore how drawing science can be an exercise in meaning-making. She have not formally trained in arts, except by practice. Ira Glass reminds all young artists that it is by creating a volume of work, we can close the gap between our work and our taste.

Episode5 : Interview with Sam Illingworth
Dr. Sam Illingworth is an Associate Professor in Academic Practice in the Department of Learning & Teaching Enhancement at Edinburgh Napier University, where he helps to develop pedagogy across the University. He has an MA in Higher Education, and is also a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. His dissertation looked at how poetry can be used to improve student engagement. He has developed and delivered a variety of different activities ranging from school assemblies and classroom visits to science fairs and poetry performance. He is a Chief Executive Editor of the geoscience communication journal and the founder of Consilience, the world’s first science & poetry peer-reviewed journal.

Episode5 : Interview with Emily
AEmily is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Schiers lab in Biozentrum She has completed her PhD from Department of Biological sciences in Columbia university where she studied genetic mechanisms of neuronal development. Emily has volunteered in several teaching assistantship programs. She has received several award for her outstanding contribution that include Kavli Award for Distinguished Research in Neurosciences from Columbia University , International Birnstiel Award for Doctoral Research in Molecular Life Sciences.